Tuesday 23 July 2013

Our bathroom is yuge

We finally (hoorah) received our amended plans after 4 weeks of waiting

To render or not to render

That IS the question. 2-3 weeks ago we received a call to book in our external colour consultation. Now this came as quite a shock as we haven’t finalised any plans yet

{INSPIRATION} Kitchens........

There are soooo many amazing kitchens to choose from. Im really mindful of trying to keep the kitchen modern so it doesn't date. There's nothing worse than seeing dated kitchens in houses for sale. Its the heart of any house, and in particular will play a large part in our main living area. 

We made a list of must haves a few months ago when we were builder hunting... they include....

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Fifty Shades of...... Grey

Who would have thought there'd be so many different shades of grey.... the colour that is not Christien Grey......

Thursday 4 July 2013

All things house

Anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows how the planning can literally take over your mind! Well building a house is similar.........

Knock on wood?

We have been umming and ahhing for months over what flooring we want in our new house…......